General Data Protection Rules (GDPR)
Everything in the world of data protection has changed, in May 2018.
We take the confidentiality of members personal details very seriously.
The Scout Movement in the United Kingdom is a membership organisation. To enable it to operate and communicate with its members it is necessary to maintain records about them. This includes keeping details of name, address, date of birth, contact details and medical and dietary information etc. We also keep records of progress through Scouting – badges gained etc. For the sake of Scout Association heuristics, we will disclose volumes of members using gender, ethnicity and disability, but this will be volume information only and no personal information (such as name or contact details) will be disclosed. The Data Protection Act of 1998 provides adults and young people the same rights, which covers paper-based as well as computer-based information. Information that we hold will only be used in connection with your child’s membership of the Scout Movement and will not be passed to third parties outside the group without your consent. You may ask to see the information that we hold. If you have any concerns about this policy please talk to a leader.
It is important that we always have your correct address and contact details for use in emergencies. If you move house or change your contact details (including e-mail address) please update your child’s record by using the Personal Details page of My.SCOUT (or you can email
In addition, at 2nd Warwick we are very proud of our website and the reports from past events that are shown on it. We think that both current and new members like to see the sort of things we do.
Pictures from our events are routinely displayed on our Member only Facebook page, and a selection on our public Facebook page and on websites that are controlled by 2nd Warwick (linked from Sometimes photos of children taking part in activities are submitted to local newspapers, the County website or put on display. We have a Photography and Social Media Statement which details how photos are used, which you will find here. If you have any concerns about our publicity policy or would prefer a particular image to be removed from the website please talk to a leader.