Who are Cub Scouts?
To be a Cub Scout, you must be aged between 8 and 10 and a half years of age. You will work & play in teams called "Sixes". Our meetings are called pack meetings. All Cubs wear a uniform and the evenings are organised by leaders and parent helpers.
In September 2021 we opened a new 2nd Cub pack.
Atlantic Pack meets on a Monday from 6:30pm - 8.00pm
Pacific Pack meets on a Thursday from 6:30pm - 8.00pm
It is in the Cub Pack that the boys and girls usually have their first opportunity to sleep under canvas. It a great chance for Cubs to learn some basic life skills such as cooking, washing up and personal hygiene. It also gives them the opportunity to develop team spirit, leadership and to practice a number of traditional outdoor scouting skills such as knot work, pioneering and even rock climbing.
Two night Cub camps are normally run at local green field sites twice during the year and are very well supported. Cubs are also encouraged to take part in Group and District Camps including the winter (Frosty) Camp.
As an integral part of a Sea Scout Group, and in addition to the normal balanced programme, Cubs at 2nd Warwick are encouraged to take part in water activities during the summer term. This will normally involve a number of evenings boating, together with the opportunity to participate in sailing at Draycote Water Sailing Club and in the annual Group Regatta.