When and where are the meetings?

Mostly at our HQ in St Nicholas Park but we like to get out and about as often as we can.

Can I come along for a taster session?

We have a waiting lists for all sections which you can join here.  Once offered a place you are given a couple of meetings to decide if it is for you before subs are requested. 

Beavers - Cubs - Scouts - Explorers

Is there a charge for joining?

We charge a termly subscription which varies depending on section, and covers the cost of our routine meetings (HQ maintenance, consumables, purchase of small items of equipment) and the annual payments that we have to make to the Scout Association.

In addition, we may arrange activities during the term which incur costs over and above the term’s subscription e.g. trips out, weekends away.

Financial hardship should never prevent someone from participating in our activities and we can point you in the direction of funds or arrange weekly payments etc.

How do you communicate with members?

We use email as our main form of communication – and expect responses from you when necessary!

All important emails (e.g. containing information about time, place and cost of activities) are copied to parents and carers so that they know what is happening. This also means that if you don’t have an email address yourself, you can get the information from your parent/carer.

Leaders can be contacted via the Contact Us page on this website or via an email address that you’ll be given when you join.

There are also WhatsApp groups for each section, run by our parent reps for more informal communications.

Please let us know if communication by email will pose a problem.

Are there lots of rules to follow?

No, but we do have a Code of Conduct, drawn up by each section. We have all agreed to follow it.

What's the uniform and where can I buy it?

If you decide to join the Unit you’ll need to buy a uniform which varies by section - find out more here

When do I have to start wearing a uniform?

We ask that you start wearing a uniform as soon as you can after you decide to join the section. If you are moving into a section from another Scout section/other uniformed organisation please come in that uniform (if it still fits), or at least wear the necker, unless told otherwise.

Where do the badges go on the uniform?

Check the Uniform Page

Who are the leaders and how do I contact them?

There’s some information about the leaders on our Adult Volunteers page and you can contact them via the form on our Contact Us page.

What is OSM and how does it work?

Online Scout Manager (OSM) is the system that 2nd Warwick uses to reduce the time leaders have to spend on Unit administration tasks.  Read our ‘how tos' to find out more.