Royal Navy Recognition Scheme
2nd Warwick Sea Scouts are lucky to be part of the RN Recognition Scheme, it is both a privilage and an advantage to be recognised in the scheme
There are around 350 Sea Scout groups and units in the UK and 103 are officially recognised by the Royal Navy.
RN Sea Scouts wear the RN Recognition badge on their uniforms, fly a special RN Recognition pennant and wear a defaced red ensign at their HQs and sometimes on their boats.
We have a full time lieutenant commander who inspects troops and units about every two years so they take pride in achieving Royal Navy standards.
They can use MOD cadet facilities, principally HMS Bristol and the Royal Navy Sailing Centre in Portsmouth. The Combined Cadet Force and Sea Cadet Corps often offer spare capacity on camps and courses to the RN Sea Scouts.
Grants are available from the Admiralty Fund administered by the Scout Association; the RN tops up the fund by about £15 per Sea Scout every year.
There are at least four major annual events exclusively for RN Sea Scouts: a swimming gala held early in the year; a summer camp for Sea Scouts in the summer half term; a soccer sixes weekend early in the autumn term; and an Explorer camp in the autumn half term.
There is usually at least one leader training event each year. In the spirit of Scouting, the events are run by a dedicated team of Scout volunteers from the member groups and units.