Join as a Child

*We are sorry but our Waiting List is now closed for new applicants aged 10 or over as we are completely full with a long waiting list for all  Sections - see information below about other local Scout Groups*

Our waiting list is handled by Online Scout Manager, you can sign up using the button below. Please read the information below before signing up.  If you have any queries you can also email

We would love to have your child join our group and benefit from the amazing experiences and opportunities, but as the only Sea Scout Group in the local area we currently have long waiting lists for all Sections not everyone will be successful in gaining a place.  Children can be added to the list from birth - the younger your child is added to the list the higher the chance of gaining a place and we do have babies on our waiting list! Our main intake takes place at Beavers age, with places occasionally becoming available in Cubs and Scouts when members leave. For Beavers and Cubs we give priority to applicants living in the Warwick area but if you are outside this area you are still welcome to join the list. If you are moving to the area and are transferring from another Scout Group then please email us to let us know.

You may also wish to also apply for a place in Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers in the other Scout Groups in order to maximise your chances of finding a place.  For those in Warwick this is done via the Warwick District Scouts website: If you are outside the Warwick area you can find your local group on the UK Scouts website:

Once you have added your child you will receive a confirmation email within a few minutes which will request that you log onto Online Scout Manager and add some additional information - please complete this as soon as possible to give us all the information that we require.  If you do not receive this email please check your junk folder.  The email will come from and you may like to add this to your safe sender list to avoid it going to junk.