You are welcome to buy uniforms from any retailer, but we can suggest some places to try. We stock Scout/Explorer caps as they are difficult to get hold of and can be expensive in some places.
We currently stock
We currently stock
Yellow Neckers for all Sections
RN Caps for Scouts and Explorers
Scout section jerseys
Group T-shirts and Polo shirts (Beavers / Cubs / Scouts)
Occasionally we have Explorer Shirts
Beaver Uniform
Beaver Uniform
Black/dark grey trousers/shorts
Blue Beaver T-shirt or Sweatshirt
Yellow 2nd Warwick Necker
Scout Uniform
Scout Uniform
Black/dark grey trousers/shorts
Yellow 2nd Warwick Necker
Class 2 Seamans Cap & Tally band (please don't buy from Scout shops as they are double the price of our supplier)
Badge positions for the uniform
Badge positions for the uniform